Dostupni e-kolegiji

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The WinEra Training course's main goal will be to train wine-farmers, wineries' staff, wine-producers and everyone that is involved in the process of production of organic and/or biodynamic wines (OBDW) in all the different phases of the production: from harvesting through preparation of the wine to marketing of the product. The course will be specifically targeted towards winegrowers in activities (for conversion or diversification) and new incomers who does not have professional agricultural education in organic farming or production. 

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Основната цел на обучителният курс WinEra е да подпомогне в обучението фермерите, особено тези, занимаващи се с лозаро-винарство, служителите на винарски изби и винопроизовдителите, както и всички, които участват в различните фази на процеса по произовдство на органично и/или биодинамично вино: от беритбата през подготовката на виното до маркетинга на продукта. Курсът е специално насочен към лозаро-винарската дейност на винарите (към преобразуване или диверсификация на производството), както и към стартиращи лозаро-винари, които не са завършили специфично аграрно обучение за органично земеделие или производство. 

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L'objectif principal de la formation WinEra Training est de former les viticulteurs, le personnel des caves, les oenologues et tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans le processus de production de vins biologiques et/ou biodynamiques (OBDW) dans toutes les différentes phases de la production : de la récolte à la préparation du vin jusqu'à la commercialisation du produit. La formation s'adressera spécifiquement aux viticulteurs en activité (en reconversion ou diversification) et aux nouveaux arrivants n'ayant pas de formation agricole professionnelle en agriculture ou production biologique.

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The WinEra Training course's main goal will be to train wine-farmers, wineries' staff, wine-producers and everyone that is involved in the process of production of organic and/or biodynamic wines (OBDW) in all the different phases of the production: from harvesting through preparation of the wine to marketing of the product. The course will be specifically targeted towards winegrowers in activities (for conversion or diversification) and new incomers who does not have professional agricultural education in organic farming or production. 

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El objetivo principal del curso de formación WinEra será formar a los viticultores, al personal de las bodegas, a los productores de vino y a todos los que participan en el proceso de producción de vinos ecológicos y/o biodinámicos (OBDW) en todas las diferentes fases de la producción: desde la cosecha hasta la comercialización del producto, pasando por la preparación del vino. El curso estará dirigido específicamente a los viticultores en actividades (de reconversión o de diversificación) y a los nuevos participantes que no tengan una formación agrícola profesional en la agricultura o la producción ecológica. 

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Ο κύριος στόχος του εκπαιδευτικού προγράμματος WinEra είναι να εκπαιδεύσει αμπελουργούς, προσωπικό των οινοποιείων, οινοπαραγωγούς και άλλους επαγγελματίες σε όλες τις πτυχές που αφορούν την ανάπτυξη της βιολογικής και/ή βιοδυναμικής αμπελουργίας (γεωργικές τεχνικές, παραγωγή, μάρκετινγκ, εποινωνία, κοινωνική ευθύνη). Το εκπαιδευτικό πρόραμμα απευθύνεται κυρίως σε αμπελουργούς και νέους επιχειρηματίες χωρίς προηγούμενη εκπαίδευση στη βιολογική γεωργία ή παραγωγή.

Kurs ENREAC-HEI dotyczy Podstawowych Umiejętności Badawczych i Umiejętności w zakresie Otwartej Nauki. Skierowany jest do uczniów szkół wyższych, ma na celu zwiększenie ich umiejętności i kompetencji w zakresie zarządzania badaniami, technik Otwartej Nauki oraz pracy zespołowej.

O curso ENREAC-IES sobre competências de investigação e práticas de Ciência Aberta é dirigido a estudantes do ensino superior e visa  aumentar as suas competências na gestão de pesquisa, técnicas de ciência aberta, colaboração e trabalho em equipa.

The ENREAC-HEI  course on Research skills and Open Science Skills is addressed to Higher Education students and aims to increase their skills and competences in research management, open science techniques, collaboration and teamwork.

The ENREAC-HEI  course on Research skills and Open Science Skills is addressed to Higher Education students and aims to increase their skills and competences in research management, open science techniques, collaboration and teamwork.

Το μάθημα ENREAC-HEI για δεξιότητες έρευνας και δεξιότητες ανοιχτής επιστήμης απευθύνεται σε φοιτητές τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και στοχεύει στην αύξηση των δεξιοτήτων και των ικανοτήτων τους στη διαχείριση της έρευνας, στις τεχνικές ανοικτής επιστήμης, στη συνεργασία και στην ομαδική εργασία.

The ENREAC-HEI  course on Research skills and Open Science Skills is addressed to Higher Education students and aims to increase their skills and competences in research management, open science techniques, collaboration and teamwork.

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The WinEra Training course's main goal will be to train wine-farmers, wineries' staff, wine-producers and everyone that is involved in the process of production of organic and/or biodynamic wines (OBDW) in all the different phases of the production: from harvesting through preparation of the wine to marketing of the product. The course will be specifically targeted towards winegrowers in activities (for conversion or diversification) and new incomers who does not have professional agricultural education in organic farming or production. 

Women PRO

The WomenPRO project aims to motivate young girls and women living in rural and remote areas to find employment in their regions by providing them with an integral and holistic training course, tailored to their specific needs. The project focuses on empowering them to realize that they can start their own business.

The project's general objective is to enhance and promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among young women by raising awareness and supporting them in evolving their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Women PRO

The WomenPRO project aims to motivate young girls and women living in rural and remote areas to find employment in their regions by providing them with an integral and holistic training course, tailored to their specific needs. The project focuses on empowering them to realize that they can start their own business.

The project's general objective is to enhance and promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among young women by raising awareness and supporting them in evolving their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Women PRO

The WomenPRO project aims to motivate young girls and women living in rural and remote areas to find employment in their regions by providing them with an integral and holistic training course, tailored to their specific needs. The project focuses on empowering them to realize that they can start their own business.

The project's general objective is to enhance and promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among young women by raising awareness and supporting them in evolving their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Women PRO

The WomenPRO project aims to motivate young girls and women living in rural and remote areas to find employment in their regions by providing them with an integral and holistic training course, tailored to their specific needs. The project focuses on empowering them to realize that they can start their own business.

The project's general objective is to enhance and promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among young women by raising awareness and supporting them in evolving their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

The WomenPRO project aims to motivate young girls and women living in rural and remote areas to find employment in their regions by providing them with an integral and holistic training course, tailored to their specific needs. The project focuses on empowering them to realize that they can start their own business.

The project's general objective is to enhance and promote the social entrepreneurship spirit among young women by raising awareness and supporting them in evolving their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.